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Build Your Migraine Survival Kit

Posted by Migraine Relief Center on Oct 25, 2013 7:00:00 AM

If you suffer from chronic migraines, then you know how frustrating it can be to get attacked by a severe headache when you don’t have the supplies and medicine to fight the migraine pain. By packing a migraine survival kit, you can leave the house without worrying about whether your trip will end in a migraine. Your survival kit should include tools that will help you prevent a migraine attack, as well as medicine that you can take as soon as you experience migraine symptoms. Your preparations will help you stay in control of your migraines so that you can continue to do all of your favorite activities. Migraine_Relief_Kit

Why Carry a Survival Kit?

Chronic migraines can hit at any time, especially when you can’t avoid some of your strongest triggers. Migraines often get worse as you try to continue your regular activities, which mean that your pain will gradually increase until you can go home and rest. A survival kit will allow you to fight migraine symptoms so that you can minimize the pain until you can find some peace and quiet. 

Items to Keep in Your Survival Kit

While everyone’s triggers are different, the approach to treating migraines is often the same. You should always carry a dose of abortive medicine to take as soon as your migraine hits, which may prevent the pain from escalating. You may also want to pack:

  • water to fight dehydration
  • sunglasses if you have sensitivity to light
  • over-the-counter medication for less severe migraine symptoms
  • vitamins that fight migraines, such as magnesium, butterbur and vitamin B2
  • saltines or other bland foods to ease nausea
  • a migraine journal
  • contact information for your doctor

These products will help you combat migraine pain as soon as it hits, which may allow you to overcome the pain and continue what you are doing.

Preventing Migraines 

If you have a busy schedule away from home, then preventative measures are extremely important. To keep migraines at bay, live a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet. You should also drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, and make sure that you get plenty of sleep each night. Practice relaxation techniques to reduce stress, and avoid your triggers as much as possible.

Chronic migraines shouldn’t keep you sidelined when you have things that you need to do. Rather than staying at home in case a migraine hits, pack a survival kit that will help you fight migraine pain. This will allow you to enjoy your life while minimizing the impact that migraines have on your life.

*Image courtesy of

migraine diary

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