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Migraine attacks are no joke. Even if you suffer chronic migraines and use lifestyle choices and preventative medication, you can still suffer an attack that requires abortive treatment.
More than 1.2 million Americans visit emergency rooms every year because of migraines. If you suffer from migraines, particularly if it’s a chronic condition, you may wonder when or if you should seek assistance at the ER.
Heat and cold are inexpensive DIY treatments you can use to reduce migraine pain. They are convenient and easy to use, plus heat and cold treatment pair well with other natural remedies or acute medications without causing an adverse reaction.
For some head pain sufferers, surgery may be the only answer to relief. One surgical procedure, Minimally Invasive Greater Occipital Nerve Entrapment or M.I.G.O.N.E., treats a specific cause of severe headache that has shown success.
Since migraines may be caused by decreased oxygen levels and vasoconstriction in the brain, treating a migraine attack with 100% oxygen can sound pretty intuitive. However, there is not as much research as you would think into the efficacy of oxygen treatment for migraines, even though oxygen’s potential was discovered in the 1930s.
Close to half of migraine patients in the United States also experience vestibular syndrome at some point, which causes balance issues and dizziness. Many report that they only experience vertigo but no pain. It’s the second most common cause of vertigo in adults.
You’ve probably seen celebrities getting BOTOX(R) to maintain youthful looks. A few may even look as if they’ve overdone it. But did you know BOTOX works for some migraines, too?
Chronic and episodic migraine is a complex neurological condition with no single therapy or drug considered to cure it. According to Robert Cowan, a neurologist at Stanford University in California, chronic migraine may not be fatal, but "…it ruins your life. It's not a silent killer. It's a silent disabler."