The Migraine Relief Center Blog

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Migraine Relief Center: In the News

Posted by Migraine Relief Center on Nov 20, 2013 7:00:00 AM

Dr-Mark-Khorsandi-225x300This week, Dr. Mark Khorsandi was featured as one of the medical expert interviews on His interview touched on the new cutting edge treatment options available at the Migraine Relief Center, including the  M.I.S.O.N.™ and M.I.G.O.N.E.™ procedures.

Click Here to Listen

The interview was also posted on the CNN iReport page, which featured the interview and an in-depth article about the procedures conducted at the Migraine Relief Center.

Click Here to Read

Dr. Khorsandi, who heads up the Houston-area Migraine Relief Center, said during the interview “…taking care of patients that are dealing with severe migraine headaches, who are desperate and don’t know where to turn has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done.”  

This week also marks the launch of the Migraine Relief Center's brand new Migraine Diary. Use the diary to track your migraines and identify triggers and symptoms that could lead to relief. Download the free diary below. 

migraine diary


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