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Relaxation Tips for Mother’s Day

Posted by Migraine Relief Center on May 9, 2014 7:00:00 AM

In the United States, Mother’s Day has been celebrated on the second Sunday of May each year since 1914. In 2014, Mother’s Day falls on May 11th, and special events are being prepared in many communities around the country. For example, in the District of Columbia and Northern Virginia region, picnics, brunches and sightseeing cruises along the Potomac River are traditional Mother’s Day staples.

Relaxation_Tips_for_Mother’s_DayAs with other commercial holidays in the U.S., Mother’s Day can turn into a stressful event for some unfortunate moms who deal with social anxiety disorders. What this means for migraine patients who enjoy the gift of motherhood is the dreadful possibility of stress triggering a headache episode on a day that is supposed to be celebrated by the entire family.

How Stress Triggers Migraines

Not everyone agrees on the status of stress as a migraine trigger. The International Headache Society does not actually list stress among the various life factors that may trigger migraine episodes; instead, stress is listed as a factor that can make patients more sensitive to triggers. For example, lack of sleep is more likely to trigger migraines when patients are also under duress or emotional strain than when they missed a few hours of sleep.

When it comes to the effective management and prevention of migraine episodes, avoiding stress is crucial. Migraine patients who have low tolerance for stress can still avoid migraines by actively learning to relax. 

Relaxation Tips ahead of Mother's Day

In modern Western societies, many families tend to isolate from others. Mothers should extend their social network beyond their spouses, children and blood relatives. Connecting with friends and neighbors who are also parents can lead to positive and relaxing experiences.

Busy children are not restless children. The little ones in the family can be sources of both joy and stress. Young children demand attention, activity and engagement. Scheduling fun things to do with children and then resting with them afterward is an excellent way to relax and enjoy life.

Carefully plan a family getaway for Mother's Day Weekend. On one hand, plunging into an unplanned vacation can lead to confusion and stress; on the other hand, following a schedule and accomplishing set goals removes uncertainty and reduces emotional strain.

Take up yoga. Tranquility and relaxation are just two of the many aims of this ancient Hindu discipline. A simple way to incorporate yoga into Mother's Day is to meet daily exercise goals ahead of the holiday and then take Sunday off to be with family.

Dealing with Anxiety

One of the worst-case scenarios for migraine patients who are overly anxious is to suffer an episode during a special occasion. Instead of thinking about the potential tragedy of a migraine episode on Mother's Day, patients should try conscious relaxation. This involves actively seeking a quiet spot where the head and shoulders can be thoroughly relaxed while breathing exercises are carried out for five minutes. Doing this a couple of times a day can substantially reduce anxiety and overall stress.
*Image courtesy of
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