The Migraine Relief Center Blog

Here’s the latest from the Migraine Relief Center

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Handling Your First Migraine Aura Experience

By Migraine Relief Center on October 14, 2015

To many people who don’t suffer from migraine, the word migraine simply means a bad headache. Migraine sufferers know different. It is a complex disorder with many associated symptoms ranging from distressing to debilitating. As with all aspects of migraine, the aura is often misunderstood and minimized by those who have never experienced it.

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Migraines, The Computer and Dizziness: What You Should Know

By Migraine Relief Center on October 7, 2015

There are a multitude of migraine side effects, with each sufferer having a slightly different experience. All these different experiences make migraine a complex condition, and hard to treat. Some people experience early warning signals, such as an aura causing a visual disturbance, feeling nauseous, or dizzy. Others experience a hammering pain that makes it impossible to carry on with life as normal.

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Is Surgery Next When Abortive Medication Fails?

By Migraine Relief Center on September 30, 2015

 Notoriously tricky to treat, what works for one migraine patient will have no effect on another. Usually, various different types of migraine treatment or medication are tried before the option of surgery is considered.

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Letting Go of Migraine Guilt

By Migraine Relief Center on September 23, 2015

Guilt and migraine walk hand in hand for many sufferers who often find the emotional burden as upsetting as the pain and other symptoms. Guilt comes from various sources, and left unattended can escalate into much more serious problems, damaging relationships at work and at home.

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Migraines and Anti-Depressants: What You Should Know 

By Migraine Relief Center on September 16, 2015

People are often surprised to hear that anti-depressant medications are offered in the treatment of migraine headaches. New migraine sufferers can feel a little shocked if their doctor recommends anti-depressants, especially when they have no depression symptoms or feelings.

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What Is a Migraine Alert Dog?

By Migraine Relief Center on September 9, 2015

For migraine sufferers, early warning signs are a godsend that often enable them to sidestep the pain through early medication. Everyone with migraine eventually learns their own patterns and triggers, how to adapt their behavior to avoid known triggers, and what to do when presented with recognizable warning signs.

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Can Migraines Develop Later in Life?

By Migraine Relief Center on September 2, 2015

Whilst it’s not totally out of the question for migraine to develop as you get older, it’s not that common either. Migraine sufferers often experience their first attack in their teens or early twenties, although the majority of sufferers tend to be in their thirties or forties. According to the Migraine Trust, 90% of people have their first headache before they reach age forty.

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When Can You Qualify for Migraine Surgery?

By Migraine Relief Center on August 26, 2015

Sometimes it feels as if your migraines have no cure and you’ll suffer like this for the rest of your life. It’s a complicated condition with a myriad of causes, so the process of finding out exactly what triggers yours, what type of migraines you have and then hitting on the correct solution can drag on for a while.

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The Science Behind Your Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on August 19, 2015

Over decades of intensive research into migraine pain and its causes, knowledge of this debilitating condition has improved greatly. There’s still lots to do to fully understand what happens in the brain to cause so many diverse symptoms, but thankfully it’s now widely accepted that migraine is not simply another term for ‘headache’.

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Humidity and Migraines: What You Should Know

By Migraine Relief Center on August 12, 2015

One of the most common migraine triggers is the weather. In a recent study, 75% of sufferers reported headaches brought on by changes in atmospheric pressure. It’s a simple matter to avoid something like red wine if you know this is one of your personal triggers, but what can you do about headaches brought on by fluctuations in barometric pressure?

The first step is to understand what the term means, and how it can potentially affect you.

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