The Migraine Relief Center Blog

Here’s the latest from the Migraine Relief Center

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10 Migraine Resolutions to Make for 2016

By Migraine Relief Center on December 30, 2015

They say New Year resolutions are made to be broken. We don’t believe it. Some may fall by the wayside, but the ones that help and make a difference are the ones you’ll keep up.

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Preparing a Migraine Kit for New Year's Eve

By Migraine Relief Center on December 22, 2015

The holiday season is a challenge for everyone, with too few hours in the day and no let-up in everyday demands and commitments. Add on the frenzy of gift buying, food and drink shopping, event organization and the expectation that you WILL have a good time, and migraine sufferers often feel extra pressure and apprehension.

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Can Tinted Glasses Provide Migraine Relief?

By Migraine Relief Center on November 25, 2015

Light sensitivity creates an unpredictable trigger for migraine sufferers that can pounce without any warning, depending on the situation and circumstances. When aware that they are sensitive to light, sufferers often become anxious or fearful when they know a given situation could lead to an attack.

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20 Things Your Migraines Can Feel Like

By Mark Khorsandi, D.O. on November 18, 2015

Tell someone you have toothache, and you’ll get sympathetic winces and lots of understanding. The same goes for just about any painful condition that’s common to most people. Except migraine. Despite being fairly common, those who’ve never had one just don’t get it. Go to bed for a headache? Surely not.

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What is Occipital Nerve Stimulation?

By Migraine Relief Center on November 4, 2015

If anyone was ever in any doubt regarding the severity of migraine, they need only be pointed to a report produced by the World Health Organization (WHO). The report indicates that chronic daily headache (CDH), of which migraine is one type, is as disabling to sufferers as psychosis, quadriplegia, or dementia. Many sufferers find their migraines are controllable through conventional pain medications, but for a significant minority such treatments have little to no effect.

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Can Migraine Change Your Mood?

By Migraine Relief Center on October 28, 2015

Migraine is far more than pain, with headache itself being just one of the symptoms. To non-migraine sufferers, migraine is simply a bad headache and this perception has freely percolated society causing confusion and misunderstanding. Newly diagnosed sufferers often struggle to make the connection between their mood swings and associated symptoms, not fully understanding how closely the two are related.

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How to Handle Migraines on Important Days

By Migraine Relief Center on October 21, 2015

Migraine can be as unpredictable as a blind date, and is most likely to make its unwelcome appearance just when it’s most inconvenient. Important events like work meetings, job interviews, weddings or engagement parties can be especially scary for migraineurs and many avoid making commitments for fear of letting people down.

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Is Surgery Next When Abortive Medication Fails?

By Migraine Relief Center on September 30, 2015

 Notoriously tricky to treat, what works for one migraine patient will have no effect on another. Usually, various different types of migraine treatment or medication are tried before the option of surgery is considered.

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Letting Go of Migraine Guilt

By Migraine Relief Center on September 23, 2015

Guilt and migraine walk hand in hand for many sufferers who often find the emotional burden as upsetting as the pain and other symptoms. Guilt comes from various sources, and left unattended can escalate into much more serious problems, damaging relationships at work and at home.

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Migraines and Anti-Depressants: What You Should Know 

By Migraine Relief Center on September 16, 2015

People are often surprised to hear that anti-depressant medications are offered in the treatment of migraine headaches. New migraine sufferers can feel a little shocked if their doctor recommends anti-depressants, especially when they have no depression symptoms or feelings.

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