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A Guide to Healing Ocular Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on November 14, 2018

One in every 200 migraine patients experiences ocular or retinal migraines that can significantly affect their vision. These attacks are often preceded by aura, which typically affects both eyes. Patients might see spots, patterns or flashes of light before a headache develops, and symptoms range from light sensitivity to temporary vision loss. The worst ocular migraines can cause temporary blindness episode lasting several minutes, although the duration is usually less than an hour.

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Tips for Preventing and Treating Barometric Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on November 7, 2018

Remember when your grandmother would say she could feel a storm coming “in her bones?” That was based on barometric pressure, which is the term scientists give to the weight of the air pressing on the earth’s surface. This pressure triggers various physical reactions, and because it governs the air currents and weather, it can also cause migraine patients to develop headache episodes.

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Tips to Prevent the Side Effects of BOTOX® for Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on November 1, 2018

Having BOTOX® treatments is becoming widely accepted for migraine sufferers, and for many people, it has made a world of difference to the frequency and severity of their migraine attacks. Few patients experience side effects, but for those who do, it’s possible to prevent some of the side effects if you take the right steps. Each BOTOX® treatment consists of an average of 32 injections, although some patients require fewer than this, while others need more. Depending on your symptoms, the...

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Can a Spinal Cord Injury Increase the Risk of Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on October 26, 2018

Migraine is the third most common disease in the world, and it affects more people than diabetes, asthma, and epilepsy combined, according to facts and figures from the Migraine Trust. While medical science is still working to understand all the causes and triggers of migraines, some sufferers report that sustaining neck and back injuries can increase the frequency of their attacks.

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Understanding Silent Migraine Symptoms and Treatment

By Migraine Relief Center on October 18, 2018

A “silent migraine” may sound like a paradox, but it can be just as incapacitating as any other migraine. Although this condition is not officially recognized by the International Headache Society, estimates indicate up to 20 percent of migraine sufferers have experienced an episode at some point that does not include headache pain. These episodes have been called various alternative names over the years, including:

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The 8 Most Common Myths About Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on October 10, 2018

Almost every day, we learn more about the condition of migraine that plagues up to 38 million Americans every year. The problem is, much of the information passed on by people from one to another is inaccurate, and if you listen to family members and friends you can get the wrong idea entirely. Here are some of the more common myths, followed by the actual facts. Make a point of knowing the real story, and you can set someone right if you find them spreading false information.

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When Should I Consider a Migraine Surgery Consultation?

By Migraine Relief Center on October 3, 2018

People have suffered from migraines for as long as humanity has existed, and from the earliest times, we have searched for ways to relieve the pain. The ancient Romans made herbal teas from boiled peppermint and eucalyptus leaves, lavender and chamomile, and even tried applying raw chopped vegetables to the head. Fortunately, medical science has advanced since then, and we now have multiple methods of treatment. Migraine surgery remains something of a final resort, which is typically only used...

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Migraines and Anxiety: Understanding The Link and How to Manage It

By Migraine Relief Center on September 26, 2018

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 18.1% of American adults each year according to statistics from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (AADA). That’s 40 million people aged 18 or older, who all experience different symptoms and levels of intensity. For most patients, this means constant worrying and defensive behavior, including avoiding stimuli like objects and places they know will trigger their condition.

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How to Treat Occipital Neuralgia Pain

By Migraine Relief Center on September 20, 2018

Occipital neuralgia is the name given to inflammation or injury of the nerves running from the upper end of your spinal cord to the scalp. This causes pain at the back of the head or the base of the skull, which resembles migraines and certain other types of headaches.

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Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Migraine Clinic

By Migraine Relief Center on September 6, 2018

Changing migraine doctors can be a challenging and traumatic experience for patients, especially if you’ve been with the same practitioner for several years. You’re no doubt accustomed to his (or her) way of handling your condition, the office staff all know you, and the location is familiar. Sadly, circumstances change, and there are a number of reasons why you might be faced with looking for a new provider.

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