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Build Your Migraine Survival Kit

By Migraine Relief Center on October 25, 2013

If you suffer from chronic migraines, then you know how frustrating it can be to get attacked by a severe headache when you don’t have the supplies and medicine to fight the migraine pain. By packing a migraine survival kit, you can leave the house without worrying about whether your trip will end in a migraine. Your survival kit should include tools that will help you prevent a migraine attack, as well as medicine that you can take as soon as you experience migraine symptoms. Your preparations...

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The Differences Between Headaches and Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on October 22, 2013

Everyone has had a headache at some point, but it can be hard to tell the difference between a bad headache and a migraine. Tension headaches are often similar to migraines, but they have a few characteristics and treatment options that make them different. If you are suffering from a very bad headache, here are some tips to help you determine whether it is a tension headache or a migraine.

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Stress and Migraines: The Ultimate Trigger

By Migraine Relief Center on October 18, 2013

Most people who suffer from migraines have learned to identify their triggers so that they can avoid the things that can cause the onset of a migraine. Unfortunately, stress is a trigger for many people, and it cannot be completely avoided. If you suffer from stress migraines, you must find ways to adapt to the changes in your life without being completely sidelined with a migraine attack. 

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Celebrity Migraine Sufferers

By Migraine Relief Center on October 11, 2013

Migraines are severe headaches that are often debilitating, and they may have symptoms that include nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. Experts have not determined exactly why migraines occur, but many people who suffer from migraines have been able to identify certain triggers that may cause the onset of attacks. Here are a few of the most famous migraine sufferers on the planet and what they have learned about their triggers and treatments.

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Reducing Migraines With Exercise and Movement

By Migraine Relief Center on October 8, 2013

If you suffer from migraines, then you have probably tried many of the techniques and medications on the market that are designed to lessen the pain and intensity of each attack. However, you may have overlooked one simple strategy that will minimize the effect that migraine headaches have on your life. Many doctors are now telling their patients to regularly exercise to help fight their migraines. Exercise releases neurotransmitters, which can improve your mood and fight depression. Physical...

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How to Avoid Common Migraine Triggers

By Migraine Relief Center on October 1, 2013

Many migraine sufferers have monitored their severe headaches and the circumstances surrounding them, which has allowed them to identify their migraine triggers. By identifying the triggers that cause your migraines, you can minimize your exposure to painful headaches and lead a life that is much more enjoyable. Here are some of the common triggers that bring on migraines with many sufferers.

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Do You Have the MIDAS Touch?

By Migraine Relief Center on September 30, 2013

The Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS) is a questionnaire that was developed to measure the effect of migraines on your daily life.

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What is a Migraine?

By Migraine Relief Center on September 29, 2013

migraine headache is a severe and extremely painful headache. Approximately 10 percent of the U.S. population suffer from migraines. Their symptoms are believed to occur as a result of three complex interactions:

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