The Migraine Relief Center Blog

Here’s the latest from the Migraine Relief Center

Keep up with the doctors, patients, treatments—and results—from all our locations.

What Does the Latest Research About Migraines Say?

By Migraine Relief Center on August 3, 2016

Despite countless studies and years of meticulous research by leading experts around the world, migraine has so far defied conclusive explanation or understanding. It’s a common and widely suffered illness, affecting around one in seven people. Symptoms range from those that are relatively mild and which can be easily treated with the correct medication for the individual, to those that are totally debilitating, sometimes for days at a time.

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Explaining Migraines to Your Spouse

By Migraine Relief Center on July 27, 2016

Migraine affects all the members of a family, not just the person suffering the pain although they, of course, bear the brunt. Marriages are weakened if not lost, children can become resentful and confused (even believing they’re to blame for the illness), and friendships can crack under the disappointment of broken promises and missed social events.

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Handling Migraines in the Summer

By Migraine Relief Center on July 20, 2016

Not all migraine sufferers find their headaches worsen during the summer months, but for many pain destroys their enjoyment of what should be an extended period of fun with family and friends.  

Here are some tips for how to navigate the summer successfully, minimizing headache attacks while still enjoying plenty of fresh air and sunshine.

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Migraines and Vitamins: What's the Connection?

By Migraine Relief Center on July 13, 2016

Recent studies indicate there might be some reason to believe there is a correlation between vitamin deficiency and migraine headaches. Taking into account many factors, including geographical location, lifestyle, and diet, if you are struggling to gain control over your migraine headache pattern it may be worth doing some investigation into your own personal, possible vitamin deficiencies.

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The Emotional Side of Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on July 6, 2016

If only migraine symptoms were limited to the pain of a bad headache!

Unfortunately, migraine is much more complicated than that with symptoms that extent far beyond mere pain. This is why people who don’t get migraine don’t understand.

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Building a Migraine-free Diet Plan

By Migraine Relief Center on June 29, 2016

Change of any kind is difficult for most of us, and that includes changes in diet. We all have favorites we eat that we know we shouldn’t, and the modern fast food diet of heavily processed convenient food does us no favors either.

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Disclosing Your Migraines to Employers

By Migraine Relief Center on June 15, 2016

In an ideal world, there would be no issue in disclosing a migraine condition to employers, but in the real world it’s often not as cut and dried as we’d like. Employers may or may not take a sympathetic stance, and the level of responsibility held by the migraine sufferer may impact how the employer reacts. They may feel that high-level employees with migraine may need too much time off and so won’t be able to properly carry out their duties.

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Avoiding Migraines on Summer Road Trips

By Migraine Relief Center on June 8, 2016

Is the very thought of your upcoming road trip making you feel queasy with fear over the possibility of developing a migraine on the journey?

Sometimes, the fear of a migraine episode can be (nearly) as bad as the attack itself, but road trips are supposed to be fun and certainly not marred by doubt and worry.

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Tell Us How You Rule your Headache Disorder!

By Migraine Relief Center on May 25, 2016

Migraine Awareness Month is approaching, and Migraine Relief Center is dedicating June to raising awareness and spreading the word about chronic migraines.

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Ketogenic Diets and Migraines: What You Need to Know

By Migraine Relief Center on May 25, 2016

The links between diet and migraine are well established. Most migraineurs recognize certain foods that either trigger an attack or make an episode worse. Avoiding personal food triggers soon becomes a lifestyle choice that’s vital in managing the condition.

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