The Migraine Relief Center Blog

Here’s the latest from the Migraine Relief Center

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The Guide to Topical Migriane Medications

By Migraine Relief Center on May 18, 2016

When debilitating pain strikes frequently, safe effective medication becomes a vital part of daily life. Most migraine medication is taken orally, and whilst effective in many cases it can lead to problems for others. Topical medications can provide an additional or alternative treatment, with recent research indicating these may become more widely used in the future.

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Can Wisdom Teeth Make Migraines Worse?

By Migraine Relief Center on May 11, 2016

Migraine sufferers know how hard it is to pinpoint the root cause of the condition. Often, just getting a migraine diagnosis is a complicated undertaking, involving many tests and specialist consultations. And that’s only the first step, since the underlying cause can still be unclear.

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Preventing Eye Strain at Work

By Migraine Relief Center on May 4, 2016

Migraine sufferers are at extra risk when it comes to eye strain at work. While eye strain doesn’t feel like strain in other muscles, for the work they do, our eyes contain some of our strongest muscles and are as subject to strain as any other.

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How Does Septoplasty Help Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on April 27, 2016

It’s commonly understood that pressure on nerves can contribute to migraine headaches. Whether the pressure is a primary cause or a secondary condition that exacerbates the pain differs from patient to patient, but many find that relieving the pressure helps relieve both frequency and severity of migraine headaches.

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Botox for Migraine: Do I Qualify and How Can I Afford it?

By Migraine Relief Center on April 20, 2016

Botox is becoming increasingly popular as a treatment for chronic migraine, and the good news is that as it becomes more accepted as a treatment, it’s being covered by more insurance policies.

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3 Tips for Dealing with a Silent Migraine

By Migraine Relief Center on April 13, 2016

Silent migraines are those without pain. Apart from the lack of pain, they share similarities with standard migraine attacks and can be just as debilitating. In a typical migraine attack, it’s not just the pain sufferers have to deal with. There are many other severe symptoms that manifest over a period of hours or days.

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What are Transformed Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on March 30, 2016

When the nature of migraine changes, it’s called a Transformed Migraine, or TM. Migraine is hard enough to treat when the condition remains stable, so the threat of transformation is something that worries many patients.

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Can Yoga Help with Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on March 23, 2016

There is never one, simple answer to solving the migraine problem. Most sufferers develop their own personal attack system, approaching treatment, management and prevention with an individually worked-out program of behavioral strategies and prescribed medication.

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Migraines and Massage: What You Should Know

By Migraine Relief Center on March 16, 2016

Every migraine sufferer takes some form of medication to help them control pain. From preventive to abortive medications, over-the-counter and prescribed medicines, they’re all on the go-to list when pain strikes or threatens.

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What Are Vestibular Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on March 9, 2016

Migraine is probably one of the least understood conditions that undermine people’s health and well-being. And yet, it is almost as common as high blood pressure and more common than asthma. 

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