The Migraine Relief Center Blog

Here’s the latest from the Migraine Relief Center

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What to Do When Your Migraines Change Intensity

By Migraine Relief Center on March 2, 2016

Over time, migraines can change, both in severity and frequency. In some people, migraines are unpredictable from the start, with some being more easily coped with than others. Most migraine sufferers will experience some change in their symptoms over time.

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Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on February 24, 2016

The prospect of making any lifestyle changes dismays many people. We get used to doing certain things at certain times and in particular ways. Everyone has their own routine that becomes ingrained, and changing habits is so hard. Yet for migraine sufferers, it’s often a vital part of managing the condition. Sometimes, an action taken unconsciously is what triggers the problem, so working with yourself to alter that behavior can lead to more pain-free days and a healthier outlook on life.

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Children and Migraines: Tips for Parents

By Migraine Relief Center on February 17, 2016

A surprising number of children suffer from headaches, with one report indicating that around 70% of school-age children fall victim at least once a year. A quarter of those have recurring headaches, and 10% have migraines.

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Will an MRI Diagnose my Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on February 10, 2016

In addition to being painful and a debilitating interruption for busy adults, migraines can be a seemingly insurmountable frustration. You can identify and eliminate triggers, meditate and deep breathe the mornings and nights away, and yet they still come back.

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Topomax: What You Should Know About This Common Migraine Medication

By Migraine Relief Center on February 3, 2016

Medication is typically the first-line of defense for teens and adults who suffer from migraines. Unfortunately, most medications are designed to provide migraine relief. The inherent problem with this being that the migraine has already started and, for many, it's too little, too late to benefit from more than a marginal decrease in pain or discomfort.

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Peripheral Neuropathy and Migraines

By Mark Khorsandi, D.O. on January 30, 2016

Peripheral neuropathy describes damage to the peripheral nervous system, the vast communications network that transmits information from the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system) to every other part of the body. Peripheral nerves also send sensory information back to the brain and spinal cord, such as a message that the feet are cold or a finger is burned. Damage to the peripheral nervous system interferes with these vital connections. Like static on a telephone line, peripheral...

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The Connection Between Sleep and Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on January 27, 2016

Migraineurs learn early on to identify their triggers and develop ways to avoid them. From food to noise or light levels, weather conditions and even temperature, many situations can bring on a migraine headache, including sleep or its lack.

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Photophobia: A Common Side-Effect of Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on January 20, 2016

Most of us have experienced the sharp discomfort of coming out of the dark cinema to a bright, sunny afternoon. The light is blinding and it’s hard to understand how we normally tolerate such brightness. In most cases, the painful reaction is mercifully fleeting with no unpleasant side effects. For migraineurs, much lower levels of brightness can have far reaching consequences.

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What is Tyramine and Is It Causing Your Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on January 13, 2016

 Migraines sufferers, more than most people, know that the brain is a complicated organ, that can be affected by chemicals, electrical impulses, environmental factors and lifestyle. It is the complexity of the brain that makes pinpointing and treating the exact causes of your migraines so difficult, and often makes finding the best treatment a matter of trial and error.

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4 Allergens that Can Cause Migraines (or Make Them Worse)

By Migraine Relief Center on January 6, 2016

Allergy sufferers have lots to deal with already. Rashes, nausea and breathing trouble are just some of the unpleasant side effects of allergies. Now, it seems you can add causing migraines (or worsening them) to the list of possible side effects. A study conducted in 2013 found that allergy sufferers were 33% more likely to suffer from frequent migraines.

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