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The Migraine Relief Center will be at the Ultimate Women's Expo in Houston this weekend on Saturday April 5th and Sunday April 6th. The expo is located in the Houston Reliant Center.
The polar vortex weather phenomenon that has been wreaking havoc in many parts of the United States with frigid winter conditions may have also played a part in causing many workers to call in sick due to severe headache episodes.
For many people who suffer from migraines, surgical treatment is looking more and more promising each day. Most patients who undergo surgical procedures to treat their migraine conditions report long-term relief and virtually no complications. As with any other surgical procedure, however, patients should remember that migraine surgeries may involve a certain amount of risk.
The Cefaly device was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administation on Tuesday. This is the first device that the FDA has approved that is said to prevent migraine headaches.