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Can Grinding Your Teeth Cause Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on April 8, 2014
A recent survey of people across the United Kingdom found that nearly a third of residents of the Scottish metropolis of Glasgow suffer from bruxism, a condition whereby patients tend to grind their teeth excessively. As a temporomandibular condition, bruxism can potentially trigger migraine episodes
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Migraine Relief Center at Houston's Ultimate Women's Expo!

By Migraine Relief Center on April 2, 2014

The Migraine Relief Center will be at the Ultimate Women's Expo in Houston this weekend on Saturday April 5th and Sunday April 6th. The expo is located in the Houston Reliant Center. 

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Is the Weather Triggering Your Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on April 1, 2014

The polar vortex weather phenomenon that has been wreaking havoc in many parts of the United States with frigid winter conditions may have also played a part in causing many workers to call in sick due to severe headache episodes. 

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How Migraines Affect the Brain

By Migraine Relief Center on March 25, 2014
Although medical researchers have not yet determined the precise mechanism and genesis of migraines, there is a greater focus on the neurobiological aspect of this condition. Migraines were once thought to be of a purely vascular nature, but they are now believed to more intrinsically related to brain chemistry. For this reason, researchers are also investigating how migraines can impact brain function and overall health.
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Rare Migraines to Be Aware Of

By Migraine Relief Center on March 21, 2014
Some migraines are worse than others. Most migraine patients in the United States suffer from episodic or chronic migraines that may or may not present an aura. There are eight other types of migraines that are not so common and that have the potential to affect other parts of the body.
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What Are the Risks of Migraine Surgery?

By Migraine Relief Center on March 18, 2014

For many people who suffer from migraines, surgical treatment is looking more and more promising each day. Most patients who undergo surgical procedures to treat their migraine conditions report long-term relief and virtually no complications. As with any other surgical procedure, however, patients should remember that migraine surgeries may involve a certain amount of risk. 

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FDA Approves Headband to Reduce Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on March 14, 2014

The Cefaly device was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administation on Tuesday. This is the first device that the FDA has approved that is said to prevent migraine headaches. 

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How to Deal With the Postdrome Phase of a Migraine

By Migraine Relief Center on March 14, 2014
English mathematician Charles Dodgson suffered from migraines and was intrigued by the stages of the terrifying headaches that would haunt him at the most inopportune moments. His literary work, which he authored under the pen name Lewis Carroll, features a structure that seems to have been inspired by migraine stages. Such is the case of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, two classics that Dodgson may have written during a postdrome stage.
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What is Migraine With Aura?

By Migraine Relief Center on March 11, 2014
Are women who suffer from migraines at greater risk of developing cardiovascular issues? This health inquiry was at the heart of two recent studies presented at the 65th annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. These two studies shared a characteristic beyond focusing on female migraine patients: Both study groups also experienced visual auras that preclude their headache episodes. What does a migraine aura have to do with heart and blood vessel conditions?
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Where Should You Store Your Migraine Meds?

By Migraine Relief Center on March 7, 2014
Each day, millions of migraine patients around the world take medications to bring relief during their most painful episodes or as part of a preventive treatment strategy. Depending on the type of treatment, these medications may be herbal remedies, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines or prescription drugs, and they all have something in common: Their effectiveness can be compromised by improper storage.
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