The Migraine Relief Center Blog

Here’s the latest from the Migraine Relief Center

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Jaw Problems and Migraines: Is There a Connection?

By Migraine Relief Center on August 16, 2017

It may seem unlikely that damage to your jaw could cause migraine-type headaches, but since damage or injury to one area can cause physical tension that affects other areas, it’s not as surprising as it might first appear. Damage to the temporomandibular joints could, in fact, be contributing to your migraines.

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Can an Emergency Room Help with Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on August 9, 2017

When your head is pounding and you have all the other symptoms of a migraine attack, it’s tempting to head for your nearest emergency room in the hope of finding some relief. But can an ER really help with migraines, or are you just wasting your precious rest time by going?

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Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help with Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on August 2, 2017

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a treatment commonly given to patients suffering from various types of anxiety disorders. Many chronic migraine patients find their headaches are triggered by stress, especially when it’s related to anxiety or depression. Whether your stress is caused by relationship problems, financial challenges, drug or alcohol abuse, mental health issues or sleeping difficulties, CBT may be able to reduce the frequency of your migraine attacks.

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The Perfect Job for Migraine Sufferers

By Migraine Relief Center on July 26, 2017

Few people are fortunate enough to not have to work for a living. Suffering from migraines doesn’t exempt you from this necessity, however much it feels like it should. The good news is there are some occupations that are less challenging to perform, you just have to find the right one for you. We’ve put together some suggestions for types of work migraineurs might find more manageable than others, as well as tips for holding down a full-time job in spite of regular headaches.

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Getting Rid of Morning Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on July 19, 2017

Migraines can be incredibly sensitive to triggers, and while it may seem counter-intuitive to wake up from a night’s rest with an excruciating headache, it could be a logical progression of circumstances that caused it. Fifty percent of all migraines occur between 4 am and 9 am, resulting in the majority of migraineurs waking up feeling tired, even if they don’t have a migraine.

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Are Migraines Different For Men?

By Migraine Relief Center on July 12, 2017

Women are more likely to get migraine headaches than men, and 75 percent of sufferers are female. Statistics from the Migraine Research Foundation show 17 percent of women experience migraines, compared with only 6 percent of men. Male patients do exist, however, although they are less likely to look for medical care. Even if they do, chances are good they won’t be diagnosed with migraine easily. This could be one of the reasons why middle-aged male migraine patients have a 42 percent higher...

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Can Magnesium Help Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on July 5, 2017

The human body is designed to make use of multiple essential minerals, and magnesium is a particularly important one. It’s necessary for regulating more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including muscle and nerve function, stabilizing blood pressure, supporting bone health and controlling blood glucose levels. Low magnesium levels have been linked to headaches, migraines, and other medical conditions. 

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Fireworks and Migraines: July 4th Survival Guide

By Migraine Relief Center on June 28, 2017

The annual fireworks and celebrations of July 4th are fast approaching. While it’s a happy time filled with family fun and carefree activities for most of the population, migraine sufferers may feel apprehensive about the occasion.

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Could Physical Therapy Solve Your Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on June 14, 2017

Migraine headaches can greatly affect your quality of life, and finding a cure is often a long and difficult journey. There are as many different types of treatment for migraine as there are types of migraine itself.

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Can Migraines Cause Memory Loss?

By Migraine Relief Center on June 7, 2017

Migraines are a punishing condition in their simplest form, but when they are combined with other symptoms patients fare even worse. One such condition is memory loss, which people who suffer from frequent migraines sometimes also report. It's not absolutely clear, however, whether the memory loss is due to a migraine itself or to side effects from medication.

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