The Migraine Relief Center Blog

Here’s the latest from the Migraine Relief Center

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Why 3D Movies Can Cause Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on July 11, 2018

Today’s 3D movies provide an incredible experience to viewers, allowing you to feel like you’re in the center of the action surrounded by the sights and sounds of the film. It works by using 3D glasses to deliver different images to each eye, which convinces your brain that you’re seeing depth in the scene. Now, 3D televisions are also available, which enables you to experience the same effect when you watch movies at home.

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Sex and Migraines: How Are the Two Connected?

By Migraine Relief Center on June 20, 2018

Over the centuries, sexual activity has been reported to both ease migraine pain as well as to trigger headaches, but the effects depend on the patient—and the circumstances. Clearly, headaches and healthy sexual activity are something of an oxymoron. It’s practically impossible for anyone experiencing a migraine to feel interested in sex. Even after the attack, it takes most patients time to recover. However, with current research we can draw several connections between migraines and sex, and...

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The Guide to Combating Spring Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on April 18, 2018
Seasonal changes in the weather and environment can have a devastating effect on migraine sufferers, and spring is often one of the worst culprits. The changes may be subtle shifts that don’t affect everyone, but watching out for them can be helpful for anyone trying to manage migraines preemptively. Studies show 63% of migraine patients are aware of seasonal differences in their attacks, and reported more emergency room visits for migraines during the spring. While it’s sometimes difficult...
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Is Your Phone Causing Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on January 31, 2018

Most of us can’t imagine our life without a smart phone. It’s now become such an integral part of our daily routines that trying to do without one would be like losing an arm or a leg. We socialize, manage our money, grocery shop and arrange professional calendars all via apps on the phone. And that’s before we even start filling in those boredom moments with amusing videos and games.

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Jaw Problems and Migraines: Is There a Connection?

By Migraine Relief Center on August 16, 2017

It may seem unlikely that damage to your jaw could cause migraine-type headaches, but since damage or injury to one area can cause physical tension that affects other areas, it’s not as surprising as it might first appear. Damage to the temporomandibular joints could, in fact, be contributing to your migraines.

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Can Magnesium Help Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on July 5, 2017

The human body is designed to make use of multiple essential minerals, and magnesium is a particularly important one. It’s necessary for regulating more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including muscle and nerve function, stabilizing blood pressure, supporting bone health and controlling blood glucose levels. Low magnesium levels have been linked to headaches, migraines, and other medical conditions. 

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What Happens to Dopamine Levels During a Migraine?

By Migraine Relief Center on May 17, 2017

Migraine headaches are a worldwide condition, affecting almost 15 percent of people. Patients suffer from severe head pain as well as a range of other symptoms, including sensitivity to light, nausea and anxiety. Sometimes, a migraine attack includes heightened sensitivity to environmental factors that typically don’t cause stimulation, one of which is changeable levels of dopamine. For migraine sufferers, this information could help increase understanding of the role of dopamine in migraine...

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Can Meat Trigger Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on May 3, 2017

One of the first things migraine sufferers learn to do is recognize their triggers. These are events or circumstances that lead to migraine symptoms, and they may be either internal or external. Common internal triggers include emotional factors such as stress or lack of sleep, while external factors include noise levels, bright lights or even the weather.

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Building a Migraine-free Diet Plan

By Migraine Relief Center on June 29, 2016

Change of any kind is difficult for most of us, and that includes changes in diet. We all have favorites we eat that we know we shouldn’t, and the modern fast food diet of heavily processed convenient food does us no favors either.

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Can Wisdom Teeth Make Migraines Worse?

By Migraine Relief Center on May 11, 2016

Migraine sufferers know how hard it is to pinpoint the root cause of the condition. Often, just getting a migraine diagnosis is a complicated undertaking, involving many tests and specialist consultations. And that’s only the first step, since the underlying cause can still be unclear.

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