We're pleased to announce that we will now be offering a support group for migraine suffererers interested in learning more about migraine surgery.
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We're pleased to announce that we will now be offering a support group for migraine suffererers interested in learning more about migraine surgery.
Neurobiology researchers from Peking University and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania recently published a study on the negative effects of sleep deprivation. They subjected laboratory mice to short and long periods of sleeplessness and then looked at their locus coeruleus, the nerves that interact with cognitive function and control alertness in general. The research findings show that long-term loss of sleep can cause brain damage by diminishing brain cells by...
In recent years, a number of professional athletes who ply their trade in American team sports have come forward with their experiences with migraines. Tennis star Serena Williams and football legend Terrell Owens come to mind, but one of the best-known professional athletes in terms of their migraine conditions is shooting guard Dwayne Wade of the Miami Heat.
Some migraines are scarier than others, but the type known as basilar migraines are truly terrifying. What is it about these migraines that make them so frightening and alarming?
The Migraine Relief Center will be at the Ultimate Women's Expo in Houston this weekend on Saturday April 5th and Sunday April 6th. The expo is located in the Houston Reliant Center.
The polar vortex weather phenomenon that has been wreaking havoc in many parts of the United States with frigid winter conditions may have also played a part in causing many workers to call in sick due to severe headache episodes.