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Migraine Survival Kit: Enjoy Your Summer Vacation

By Migraine Relief Center on July 22, 2014

People who take summer vacations often have relaxation and rejuvenation in mind. They welcome the warmer weather and adapt a more adventurous stance as they pack their bags and travel to their favorite vacation spots. For many migraine patients, however, summer vacation is often a risky period in terms of triggers.

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Is Your Herniated Disc Causing Your Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on July 18, 2014

A recent case reviewed by the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) involves employees from a national auto parts retailer who claim that their boss did not accommodate their requests to accommodate their health conditions; specifically, a herniated disc and chronic migraines. What makes this alleged violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) interesting is that the health conditions of the complaining employees are often related to each other. After all,...

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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Put an End to Your Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on July 15, 2014

At the Potash University Alfred Psychiatry Center in Australia, researchers are using an innovative method to treat patients who suffer from serious episodes of depression. Patients whose depressions run so deep that it causes them to go days without eating and even feeling suicidal are receiving strong magnetic impulses applied to portions of their cranium. This is transcranial magnetic stimulation, a treatment that is also being used to bring relief to patients who suffer from chronic...

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Have You Considered Supraorbital Nerve Decompression to Treat Your Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on July 11, 2014

The pharmaceutical world was shaken up in May 2014 as Allergan, the manufacturer of the best-selling synthetic neurotoxin Botox®, drew a merger bid of nearly $50 billion from rival pharmaceutical giant Valeant. At the time the bid was tendered, Allergan was also celebrating the 25th anniversary of Botox®, which has been credited with being one of the factors that inspired the development of surgery as a viable option for qualified patients who suffer from chronic migraines.

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MSG Alert: You May Be Increasing Your Chances of Migraine Attacks

By Migraine Relief Center on July 8, 2014
Monosodium glutamate, frequently abbreviated as MSG, is one of the most widely misunderstood food ingredients. It is an excellent flavor enhancer and industrial food additive that helps to augment the shelf life of processed food, but it has also been named in several studies that link MSG to cardiac issues, obesity and other health issues. MSG is also believed to trigger migraine episodes in many patients, but it is important to understand the basis for this belief.
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4 Tips for Chronic Migraine Sufferers Starting a New Job

By Migraine Relief Center on July 4, 2014

Patients who live with migraine conditions recently got to see a part of themselves in the Lifetime cable television network. “True Tori” is a reality television series that features the painful lives of actress Tori Spelling and her husband Dean McDermott. These two actors are no strangers to reality television, but this particular Lifetime series shows them being just as vulnerable as any other married couple. Spelling, for example, is afraid that she may suffer a debilitating migraine episode

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Tramadol: What Is It & Does It Cure Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on July 1, 2014

The world of professional and competitive cycling has undergone a lot of scrutiny due to the scandalous reports of performance-enhancement drug use among stars of the sport. One of the most infamous cases in this regard involves American racer Lance Armstrong, but current news headlines are being made by former British professional racer Michael Barry, who rode for the Sky Team and confessed to have furtively used Tramadol while racing in 2010.

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Migraine Support: How to Start a Support Group in Your Community

By Migraine Relief Center on June 27, 2014

One of the most important inventions of the 20th century has little to do with technology. Alcoholic Anonymous, the fellowship that pioneered The Twelve Steps and other important features of support groups around the world, has been helping people overcome a terrible disease through mutual aid. The success rate of the program owes a lot to its principle of fostering altruism and the human desire for connecting with peers in need who can also be helpful.

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Atypical Sinus Headaches: What Are They & How to Treat Them

By Migraine Relief Center on June 24, 2014

A Texas biomedical research firm recently won an Emerging Medical Technology competition with their pitch about the future development of a test kit to instantly determine or rule out bacterial sinusitis. At this time, such determination cannot be made at the doctor's office; it requires collection of a specimen to be sent to the lab. An instant detection of bacterial sinusitis will allow doctors to correctly prescribe antibiotics to the more than 30 million patients who suffer from...

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Military Migraines: Can You Enlist If You Suffer from Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on June 20, 2014

Although we tend to think of the brave men and women of our Armed Forces as being made of steel, the fact is that they go through many of the medical issues that are prevalent in the civilian population. It is unreasonable to think that those who volunteer to serve our country will never suffer from migraines during their terms of enlistment.

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