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The botulinum toxin, better known by its commercial name BOTOX, is no longer used solely by aging film and television celebrities who wish to sport a more youthful appearance. BOTOX is also used to treat bruxism and for wound healing therapy, but one of the most interesting uses of this neurotoxin involves the chronic neurological disorder known as migraine.
What do acclaimed film director Frank Capra, Founding Father Thomas Jefferson and sorrowful writer Franz Kafka all have in common? They all suffered from the terrible condition known as cluster headache.
There are several different types of headaches and migraines, and it can often be difficult to tell them apart. However, once you know which type of pain you are experiencing, you and your doctor can work together to form a plan to treat your headaches.
If you have a parent who suffers from migraines, then research indicates that you may be more prone to experience migraines at least once in your lifetime. There are many factors that contribute to migraines, and genetics is only one of them. By knowing your family’s migraine history, you can arm yourself with the knowledge you need to combat these painful migraines.