The Migraine Relief Center Blog

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Save Money On Your Chronic Migraine BOTOX® Treatments With the Co-Pay Assistance Program

By Migraine Relief Center on February 19, 2014

Are you interested in saving money off your BOTOX® treatments for your migraines? 

BOTOX® has been proven to be a safe and effective preventative treatment option for many chronic migraine sufferers.

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What's That Smell? Managing Your Migraine Scent Triggers

By Migraine Relief Center on February 18, 2014
Scent triggers are among the most curious aspects of the migraine condition. Certain odors, aromas and scents can induce migraines in some patients, and the same goes for bright or intermittent lights, hormonal fluctuations, foods, beverages, noises, and more. Of all migraine triggers, scents tend to be the most talked about since they can often be pervasive and difficulty to manage.
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What is the Recovery Time for Migraine Surgery?

By Migraine Relief Center on February 13, 2014
Surgical procedures to bring relief to patients who suffer from the debilitating headaches brought on by chronic migraines have been making news headlines over the last few years. The number of migraine patients in the United States has been climbing steadily over the last few years, and with more than 30 million Americans affected by this condition, migraine surgeries are now increasingly being considered as a treatment option. 
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Is There a Link Between Obesity and Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on February 11, 2014
Medical researchers have linked obesity to a number of adverse health conditions, and migraine episodes can now be added to the list. According to a 2013 study conducted by scientists at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, obesity shows a strong relation to frequent migraines.
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There's an App for That! Best Apps to Deal With Your Migraine

By Migraine Relief Center on February 7, 2014
Each day, millions of migraine patients around the world turn to their smartphones and tablets and tap an icon that will help them manage their debilitating condition to a certain extent. These patients are not seeking for electronic miracle cures; they are using mobile apps that can help them improve their health in a number of ways.
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Are There Any Side Effects for My Migraine Medication?

By Migraine Relief Center on February 4, 2014
With nearly 30 million people in the United States suffering from migraine symptoms, it its safe to say that more than a hundred thousand Americans are taking pain relief or preventive medications at any given time. This also means that millions of people have the potential of feeling one or more of the unpleasant side effects associated with the pharmaceutical treatment of migraines.
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Ouch It Hurts! How to Recognize Your Migraine Pain Level

By Migraine Relief Center on January 31, 2014
Being able to rate and describe the intensity and characteristics of pain during a headache episode is an important part of life for those who suffer from migraines. By quantifying the intensity of migraine episodes along with situational factors, physicians can formulate treatment plans, track the effectiveness of their intervention and make important decisions related to the health and well-being of their patients. 
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Can Children Get Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on January 24, 2014
If you think that only grownups get migraines, think again: Pediatrician statistics in the United States indicate that two percent of two-year old children are affected by symptomatic headaches consistent with the migraine condition. As these young migraine patients grow up, their episodes may be exacerbated by certain behaviors and activities. Up to 10 percent of adolescents may suffer from migraines at any given time.
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Best Over-the-Counter Migraine Medications

By Migraine Relief Center on January 21, 2014
When people think of over-the-counter (OTC) medications for migraines, they tend to apply certain preconceived and incorrect notions. One common belief is that OTC drugs are not as effective as their prescription counterparts. Another faulty assumption is that OTC medications are extremely watered-down versions of drugs that require a physician's pharmacy script. In reality, non-prescription medications are widely recommended by physicians who treat migraine patients, and some OTC remedies...
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What is a Rebound Headache? Understanding Symptoms of Medication Overuse

By Migraine Relief Center on January 17, 2014
It seems as if a new migraine medication or treatment is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) each week. A magnetic pulse emitting device was recently approved by the FDA, and a new battery-operated dermal patch is currently undergoing clinical trials.
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