The Migraine Relief Center Blog

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Migraine Relief Center

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Can Meat Trigger Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on May 3, 2017

One of the first things migraine sufferers learn to do is recognize their triggers. These are events or circumstances that lead to migraine symptoms, and they may be either internal or external. Common internal triggers include emotional factors such as stress or lack of sleep, while external factors include noise levels, bright lights or even the weather.

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Does BOTOX for Migraines Hurt?

By Migraine Relief Center on April 26, 2017

Treating migraine with BOTOX® is different from treating wrinkles or having Botox for pain relieving purposes. The best person to administer Botox specifically for treating migraine is either a headache specialist or a neurologist who understands which muscle groups to target for migraine. The first person to speak to about this treatment is your doctor, as he or she will refer you to a qualified specialist.

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Maintaining Exercise with Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on April 12, 2017

Migraine sufferers often find themselves avoiding anything they fear may bring on an attack. The debilitating nature of migraine, and its often-unpredictable nature, makes an episode a fearsome experience, and we all know the truth behind the expression ‘once bitten, twice shy’. Anyone who has had a migraine attack after exercising is likely to think twice before going back to the gym since they naturally the two events.

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The Guide to Treating Your Migraines Over the Counter

By Migraine Relief Center on April 5, 2017

Many patients suffering from migraines are eager to find relief, whether their headaches occur once a year or every day. Often, first level treatment takes the form of over the counter (OTC) pain relievers, either because the patient doesn’t get migraines frequently, or the condition is new for the patient. In some instances, sufferers might be caught without their medication or taken unawares by the migraine, and using non-prescription methods are the only resort. If you’re wondering whether...

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Can Vitamins Help Your Migraines?

By Migraine Relief Center on March 29, 2017

The ongoing advances in medical science are remarkable, but in spite of frequent new developments many people still prefer a natural approach to healthcare. Alternative therapies abound, and many of them include the use of vitamins and nutritional supplements. For patients who suffer from chronic migraine, is there really a benefit to be gained from taking vitamins, and if so, which ones should you focus on? Are some vitamins better than others? We’ve put together this information as a...

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TMJ and Migraines: What is the Connection?

By Migraine Relief Center on March 22, 2017

Migraine treatment and relief depends on identifying the cause of the headache, and research has shown that issues affecting the jaw have a prominent role to play in many patients. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can have an impact on your migraines, for a number of reasons.

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Exploring Magnetic Therapy for Migraines

By Migraine Relief Center on March 15, 2017

Magnetic therapy for migraines, which is clinically called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), is a non-invasive treatment method for patients who suffer from chronic and regular migraines. By holding a portable device to the scalp of patients, the migraine doctor transmits brief magnetic impulses through the skin to the brain. Whether the physician chooses to give single or repeated pulses, he (or she) can adjust the power, frequency and duration of the pulses, and the device records the...

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Join our Free webinar "Treating Your Migraines 101"

By Migraine Relief Center on March 9, 2017

At the Migraine Relief Center, we know how debilitating migraine attacks can be. In fact, studies show that 90% of migraine sufferers saw a negative impact on their education, career and social activities due to constant attacks.  

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Pressure Changes and Migraine: How to Avoid Them

By Migraine Relief Center on March 8, 2017

Changing barometric pressure is a factor that impacts many migraine sufferers. For patients living in pressurized climates, it’s imperative to understand how pressure changes might affect you. Here's some useful advice on how to avoid the effects of pressure changes, especially in locations where these are a regular occurrence.

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Migraines and Depression: What's the Connection?

By Migraine Relief Center on March 1, 2017

When a medical condition is often accompanied by a second condition, it’s called a comorbidity. Clinical findings show depression to be a psychiatric comorbidity of migraine, because while neither condition appears to be directly caused by the other, patients frequently suffer from both simultaneously. Having one of these conditions increases your risk for developing the other and vice versa, which makes them “bi-directional” comorbidities. Research shows patients who get migraines with aura...

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